by Scarlett St. Clair

Anora can see the dead. She can also turn their souls into gold coins. Her mother is in an ongoing state of depression and denial so they move across the country to run from their troubles. Anora quickly realizes that hiding her powers and identity will be harder than she thought... also, there’s a boy. A boy who draws her in and feels so familiar. Great move, mom. Surely, everything will be just fine, right? Let’s find out!
Read if you like: YA paranormal romance, dual POV, the ‘what am I?’ trope, murder mysteries, Greek mythology, secret societies, fate, forbidden love, doing the right thing even if it’s against the rules, sweet and steamy slow burn teen romance.
Anora is trying her best to be normal. But there’s nothing normal about her these days. Running from herself and trying to make her mom happy has become her sole focus. Unfortunately, there is nothing normal about her new town, school, or classmates. On her first day she meets Shy. He’s gorgeous, kind, and the resident golden boy. Surely, he’s just being nice. But why can’t she stop thinking about him?
Shy has a lot of expectations from a lot of people. And everyone expected him to know better than to get involved with the new girl. But there’s something special about her and he can’t help but want to be near her and get to know her. Unfortunately, her arrival coincides with some very strange events and the gossip fueled school can’t help but make their own assumptions.
I absolutely adored this book. YA Paranormal Romance is my first love. How do I get more of this story? I love the mythos. I love the setting. I love the feel of the writing and characters. It’s DUAL POV!!! Beautiful. It’s dark and slightly creepy. There are some slightly nebulous terms when getting into the magic but they are basic enough to get an understanding of what’s happening. And there’s plenty of space built in the story for them to be explained later.
Anora questions things. No blind trust here. She makes mistakes and tries to fix them. Shy is poised to make a name for himself. But he does what is right. He doesn’t use his status to bully or coerce anyone. I love them. I love their friends. I love the questionable people. The mom is flawed and struggling. Heck, all the parents are!
There are so many questions pinging around my head because there were so many well laid foundations that I cannot wait… I CAN NOT WAIT to see what is in store for Anora, Shy, and crew. Scarlett St. Clair have mercy on my soul… for the love of Hades 😉… give us more of this world.
Thank you to NetGalley, Scarlett St. Clair, and Bloom Books for my eARC. I’m off to preorder this beauty.