by Erin Morgenstern

As I continue to try and read the most popular books I missed when my mom brain ruled my life. The Night Circus would show up often. I could tell it was some people’s favorite but maybe not everyone’s. And I like weird things so I chose to investigate. I kept seeing recommendations for this book alongside Six of Crows and Caraval. Since I've never thought about those two things being together, I thought I'd give it a try. Is it equal parts trauma and drama? Let's find out.
Read if you like: Historical settings. World building. Plot driven storyline. Non-chronological timelines (time jumps). Multiple POV narrations. The slowest of burns romance. It all makes sense in the end/ everything's connected.
I'm not gonna lie, there were multiple times I asked myself, "So, where's the friggin' circus?" But once you are halfway through, and even more at the end, you realize that the story is the main character. The circus happens. The people are important. But the story and how it all comes together is the main event. It's the doing, the creation, the fact that the circus exists and all that went into its formation. The world building is beautiful. I wish I could step into the line of text and get my tickets for a night of dreams materialized.
There's a girl. There's a boy. There's magic - a challenge issued and the players don't understand the game let alone the stakes. There's a cast of people who want to make the world better in their own ways - to leave a mark. They are presented with a one-of-a-kind opportunity. There are players. They have a stage built for them beyond their wildest imaginations. And there are dreamers. Who wait for the circus to arrive. Together they make Le Cirque des Rêves. Won't you join them?